Jalan: Segaran Lorong: Dagi No.234 15 ilir Palembang 30124

Jalan: Segaran  Lorong: Dagi No.234 15 ilir Palembang 30124

Selasa, 16 Oktober 2012

Weightlifting Athletes Peparnas 2012 South Sumatra: Amsyah Ayub Getting Gold

As a weightlifting coach Peparanas (Week National Paralympik) to XIV in Riau; Mailan Abdullah managed to score achievement for South Sumatra with all three of his athletes are:

1. Amsyah ayup ( Gold )

2. Yetti K ( Silver )

3. Rohim ( rank 6 )

Angkat Berat Atlet Peparnas 2012 Sumatera Selatan: Amsyah Ayub Mendapatkan Emas

All three sport athlete weight lifting, for 3 months of training hard in Dagi Sriwijaya Barbell Club.

while Sriwijaya Barbell Club had a place to practice simple but can produce quality athletes nationwide. With hard work

News search results:


Nurjanah, 43-year-old woman in West Kalimantan who daily work as a tailor, had won the gold medal in the women's classification disabled 48 kilogram class by successfully lifting loads weighing 75 kg.
And Yetti. K (South Sumatra) in second or won the silver medal with a total load weight of 70 kg. While Rina (West Java) is only capable of lifting loads weighing an average of less than 66 kg so can only produce bronze.

Though the governor busy:
South Sumatera top ten Peparnas 2012

News search results: 

Angkat Berat Atlet Peparnas 2012 Sumatera Selatan: Amsyah Ayub Mendapatkan Emas Untuk Sumatera - Selatan

South Sumatra contingent entered the top ten nationally in the National Paralympic Week (Peparnas) XIV in Pekanbaru, Riau, 7-13 October 2012.

The arrival of a contingent of South Sumatra Peparnas who won 12 gold medals, 13 silver and 20 bronze at the Games four annual welcomed South Sumatra Governor Alex Noerdin in Palembang on Sunday.

Governors are proud of the achievements of the athletes carved for successfully bringing the good name of South Sumatra.

Despite various constraints faced but still look outstanding athlete in South Sumatra Papernas, he said.

Which, obviously all the people of South Sumatra proud of achievements since it was an incredible struggle, he said.

"Achievement is to be maintained and enhanced so that this area is increasingly respected athlete in the country," he said.

While one athlete Sumsel Amsyah ayup expect, the future existence of regeneration in coaching athletes with disabilities.

According to him, the future development is expected to be equated with fighting the same PON because it carries the name of South Sumatra, said the gold medalist athlete heavy lifting.

Total contingent of as many as 122 people Peparnas Sumatra measuring 45 athletes, 20 coaches, 6 extra officials, and 41 people supporting the committee.

Sriwijaya Barbell Club gym

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Sriwijaya Barbell Club Palembang