Jalan: Segaran Lorong: Dagi No.234 15 ilir Palembang 30124

Jalan: Segaran  Lorong: Dagi No.234 15 ilir Palembang 30124

Jumat, 30 November 2012

Reza: a teacher who built the body for Ultimate body contest 2012

Team SBCDAGI In Ultimate Body Contest / Palembang Juli 2012
Reza warming up with Wahab
in  Ultimate body contest palembang juli 2012
All Team SBCdagi

Rabu, 28 November 2012

Udin: Bread Seller, capable of responding to his body

Udin: Bread Seller, capable of responding to his body

Team Junior Weightlifting new training tool

junior weightlifting team (Palembang, South Sumatra) occupies a new training tool
The practice site locations in the eastern grandstand stadium Jakabaring Palembang

Bodyguard Team SbcDagi With Agnes Monica

Bodyguard Team SbcDagi With Agnes Monica

Rohim: Weightlifting Athlete South Sumatera

Publication Sriwijaya Barbell Club

Young Team Sriwijaya Barbell Club 2009

Young Team Sriwijaya Barbell Club 2009

Erwin dedicated arm wrestling champion for Sriwijaya Barbell Club

Erwin dedicated arm wrestling champion for Sriwijaya Barbell Club

Rabu, 21 November 2012

Team SBCDAGI enliven arm wrestling contest

SBCDAGI Bodyguard Team, Joint Group Band Andra And The BackBone

SBCDAGI Bodyguard Team, Joint Group Band Andra And The BackBone

SBCDAGI team in the L-Men Contest

SBCDAGI team in the L-Men Contest

Family of SBCDAGI In A Marriage ( Deni )

Friend SBCDAGI Posing In The Exercise

Friend SBCDAGI Posing In The Exercise

Atlet Angkat Besi Sumsel Era 1990


Ali & Endang: Working private security like gym body work

Ali & Endang: Working private security like gym body work

Jumat, 19 Oktober 2012

Gym Add To Friends

Eko and Udin

Of practice together in SBCDAGI, Eko and Udin became close friends. Despite their different backgrounds work: Eko worked as a security guard at the mall and Udin worked as a baker. If they have the same time for their weight training and support to help each other get the maximum muscle exercises in their daily appearance.

Rabu, 17 Oktober 2012

Powerlifting Indonesia: Ivan AG verification, off to the PON Riau 2012

Powerlifting Ivan AG verification, off to the PON Riau 2012

Before practicing in Jakabaring Palembang in South Sumatra region KONI (National Sports Committee of Indonesia), Ivan AG before training portion of his weight in the gym Powerlifting: Sriwijaya Barbell Club. He looked healthy and unharmed. You can see Ivan AG workout youtube video below

Powerlifting Indonesia: Ivan AG verifikasi

His next fact why Ivan AG, can not go to the PON is due to the replacement coach close to the departure of the match PON. From the beginning of a career in sports Ivan AG powerlifting at the age of 18 years, Ivan AG trained professionals experienced By Coach National Mailan Abdullah. Until now Ivan AG Athlete Powerlifting has been a senior and then suddenly when it was close to leaving PON will be reimbursed less experienced coaches named: M.. Id Amin (Otong) Recommendation PB PON southern Sumatra.

Which athlete was disappointed with the reality. Although even Ivan AG know, IdAmin: but it is not worth replacing Mailan Abdullah, whom he knew to be emotionally tender father.

Athletes have a right to choose who the best person to accompany him in a sports game to achieve the best performance of his career.

Being a middle ground with the internal conflict taking solution resignation.

Ivan AG was injured on his knee but was able to overcome it without any other intervention. Especially after seeing the results that occur in the game Powerlifting PON Riau, Ivan AG likely afford him at least a silver medal to give southern Sumatra

Preparation Weightlifting Almost Chaotic

Since holding a ticket pass PON, Ivan entered Centering Exercise Area (Pelatda) Sumsel.  Ivan shocked to find the name of the coach who will be with her in future PON pelatda and change no longer Mailan Abdullah but Id. Yamin.

"I've dealt with Mr. Mailan about 12 years, four months ahead of PON why even change coaches as set out in the decree KONI southern Sumatra? I do not know what the criteria is that coach must have a feeling of lump because my coach (Mailan Abdullah) which was used for many years in the joys and sorrows of a sudden changed, " said Ivan.

Further news can be found in:

Sriwijaya Post News - Wednesday, August 22, 2012, 21:42 pm

News English translations are taken from:

The only athlete Sumsel of sports weightlifting, Ivan AG must face the fact that he missed the PON (national sports week) in Riau due to a knee injury.

"His feeling sad, especially the implementation of PON is no longer, and it turns out fate willed," said Ivan.

Admittedly, this injury is already long enough in the can, exactly the beginning of Ramadan, currently undergoing training in Jakabaring Palembang. Predictions Team Physician KONI (National Sports Committee of Indonesia) south of Sumatra, a knee injury requires treatment at least three months, because that is likely to follow PON Riau said canceled.

"I also have a personal check to the doctor and the result remains the same, I was told to take a break," ivan said resignedly.

As a result of this injury, Ivan claimed was forced to make a letter of resignation addressed to the PB PON (PON executive committee). It mentions not to take part in national performances. It's just a letter, there was no news until now, if his name really has dropped or not. "So now I do not know will come PON or not. Obviously I can not force myself to rise further cause fatal," he explained.

Asked if it is possible to change other athletes? Ivan replied weightlifting sport participants can not be replaced because it is based entry by name. PON his ticket he got in the pre-qualifying event in Bandung ago, managed to rank 5th.

"In fact, the desire to improve the force record was challenged this year, but what may make. Actually I also feel a little disappointed,

"Easy - I hope the athletes from other sports can provide the best for South Sumatra,"

Selasa, 16 Oktober 2012

Weightlifting Athletes Peparnas 2012 South Sumatra: Amsyah Ayub Getting Gold

As a weightlifting coach Peparanas (Week National Paralympik) to XIV in Riau; Mailan Abdullah managed to score achievement for South Sumatra with all three of his athletes are:

1. Amsyah ayup ( Gold )

2. Yetti K ( Silver )

3. Rohim ( rank 6 )

Angkat Berat Atlet Peparnas 2012 Sumatera Selatan: Amsyah Ayub Mendapatkan Emas

All three sport athlete weight lifting, for 3 months of training hard in Dagi Sriwijaya Barbell Club.

while Sriwijaya Barbell Club had a place to practice simple but can produce quality athletes nationwide. With hard work

News search results:


Nurjanah, 43-year-old woman in West Kalimantan who daily work as a tailor, had won the gold medal in the women's classification disabled 48 kilogram class by successfully lifting loads weighing 75 kg.
And Yetti. K (South Sumatra) in second or won the silver medal with a total load weight of 70 kg. While Rina (West Java) is only capable of lifting loads weighing an average of less than 66 kg so can only produce bronze.

Though the governor busy:
South Sumatera top ten Peparnas 2012

News search results: 

Angkat Berat Atlet Peparnas 2012 Sumatera Selatan: Amsyah Ayub Mendapatkan Emas Untuk Sumatera - Selatan

South Sumatra contingent entered the top ten nationally in the National Paralympic Week (Peparnas) XIV in Pekanbaru, Riau, 7-13 October 2012.

The arrival of a contingent of South Sumatra Peparnas who won 12 gold medals, 13 silver and 20 bronze at the Games four annual welcomed South Sumatra Governor Alex Noerdin in Palembang on Sunday.

Governors are proud of the achievements of the athletes carved for successfully bringing the good name of South Sumatra.

Despite various constraints faced but still look outstanding athlete in South Sumatra Papernas, he said.

Which, obviously all the people of South Sumatra proud of achievements since it was an incredible struggle, he said.

"Achievement is to be maintained and enhanced so that this area is increasingly respected athlete in the country," he said.

While one athlete Sumsel Amsyah ayup expect, the future existence of regeneration in coaching athletes with disabilities.

According to him, the future development is expected to be equated with fighting the same PON because it carries the name of South Sumatra, said the gold medalist athlete heavy lifting.

Total contingent of as many as 122 people Peparnas Sumatra measuring 45 athletes, 20 coaches, 6 extra officials, and 41 people supporting the committee.

Sriwijaya Barbell Club gym

Sriwijaya Barbell Club Palembang